Liver Transplant In Bhandara
Liver Transplant in Bhandara
Dr Rahul Saxena is a liver specialist and consultant liver transplant surgeon based at Bhandara.
He has an extensive experience of more than 1000 liver transplants including living donor liver transplant (LDLT), cadaveric liver transplant ( DDLT), pediatric liver transplants and combined liver-kidney (CLKT) transplants. He is credited with doing the first liver transplant (both cadaveric and live related) in Central India.
His team is central India’ s only full-time multi-organ transplant team with 24 x 7 availability, expertise and specialized training. This team has now performed close to 50 liver transplants, with a success rate of around 95%; this is comparable to other high volume transplant centers in India and abroad.
Dr Rahul Saxena also regularly performs advanced hepato- pancreatico- biliary surgery and is a leading specialist in the field.
When does one require a liver transplant?
Liver transplant is usually reserved as a treatment option for people who have significant complications due to end-stage chronic liver disease.
In rare cases, sudden failure of a previously normal liver may occur (ALF) and such patients may require an urgent liver transplant as a life-saving procedure.
Patients with liver cancer might require an early transplant even without severe underlying liver disease.
Some formulae and scoring systems universally used for severity assessment are the Child-Pugh-Turcotte (CTP) score and Model for End stage Liver Disease(MELD) score in adults and PELD score in children. The need & urgency of transplant in patients with acute liver failure(ALF) is determined by Kings College Criteria.
Some patients might have an irreversible liver disease but not enough to warrant a transplant, whereas others might be too sick to benefit from a transplant. This assessment can best be made by liver transplant surgeons and hepatologists. Transplantation will be offered only if the benefits of a liver transplant outweigh its risks.

Dr. Rahul Saxena
Consultant Liver Transplant & Advanced Hepatobiliary Surgeon
Our Specialities
- Gastro-intestinal Surgery
- Pancreas Surgery
- Minimally Invasive (Laparoscopic) Surgery